Switch – Installing Leviton Smart Switches on 4-way Circuit


I have a 4 way circuit as shown in the the picture below.
Power comes in to the light's box and goes to the switch from there.

enter image description here

Can I use the DW6HD and two of the DD00R in this configuration?
Below is the wiring diagram from Leviton, it just doesn't show how to wire the switches when the Line wire starts at the light and is also the Load (not sure if saying that proper):
enter image description here

I believe with the wires I have now it won't work and I need to have a new 14-3 wire installed from the light to the switch labeled Top Stairs? After that it should work?

Best Answer

Nope, can't do it. All the smart switches need neutral, and neutral does not exist at all in this circuit.

The black and white between lamp and first 3-way is

  • White = always-hot (must be re-marked with tapeto be black)
  • Black = switched-hot (I suggest re-marking with tape to be red)

You'll need either a very carefully chosen dimmer that does not need neutral, or replace that cable run with /3 cable (black, white, red).