Switch – What to Do When There Is No Hot Wire in Switch Box


I moved recently into a new house and had to replace an outdoor light and switch because both were dead. In the picture, the switch on the right is a 3-way switch that is wired and working fine. The left switch goes to the outdoor GFI switch and light. I replaced the GFI and wired it correctly but I’m still getting nothing. Everything works when I tie into the 3-way hot wire (but then the other 3-way switch has to stay on). Is there something I might be missing? Or do you think maybe the hot wire was cut somewhere? All the circuits from the breaker are good.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Bought a wire tracer and was able to trace the hot wire to a switch receptacle upstairs, where it was taped off. Wired that to power and everything works. Thanks for all the responses/help!enter image description here