Switch – wiring 3 way switch


My attic has a ceiling light controlled by two 3 way switches connected with BX 14/3. Source and light wires were old knob & tube now replaced with Romex 14/2.

The duplex outlet is a new addition. The attached diagram is how I thought it could be wired. The duplex and switch 1 will be in one box. Romex 14/2 from source and light and BX will enter the box.

The diagram shows source connected to duplex. Then a short black wire runs from other duplex hot terminal, wire nutted to BX white wire with black tape, to common on switch 2. Load runs from common on switch 1 to light. I didn’t show ground wires to keep diagram simple, but everything will be grounded.

Does this layout meet the NEC?
enter image description here

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes, as long as the white wire in your circuit is permanently re-identified as another color besides green. And the joint you are showing is contained in a junction box.

Neutrals are not required at the switch location in non-habitable rooms.

Good luck and be careful!