Systematic process to find replacement fluorescent T5 lamp holder


The goal is to replace a plastic T5 tombstones has melted. The side 'wings' fold-in so it can be 'dropped-into' the fixture.

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There are approximately 100+ tombstones and one has melted. Is there a clever technique to identify a suitable replacement part? Google & Amazon searches have not produced high confidence results.


Replacement part purchased and successfully deployed:

Next time I will purchase shunted, because I do not use single ended bulbs.

Best Answer

You just need a t5 tombstone, that looks like a tall one measure it and places like 1000 or other places have them, depending on quanties for less than a buck. Just make sure if shunted or non shunted you get the correct type, if you get non shunted you can always add a jumper if needed.