T connection of two Beams To Support 2nd Floor – Post or No Post


Context: We are building plans for an extension to our home, on three levels. We're working with a technologist and will be getting an engineer since they have to stamp any plans. We want to have a large opening – about 20' by 20'.

Problem: For our own knowledge (we're still waiting to hear from the technologist) we want to know whether it is possible to have a T shaped steel beam supporting the 2nd floor without a post where the two beams meet. On the picture below, in yellow you'll see where I "imagine" the beams would go, and I imagine that where the yellow circles are, I need to put strong pillars that are secured in the foundation (I do have a 2nd floor that I want to build there).

Question: Is there a way to build this in order to NOT have a post where the "?" is on the drawing below?

Building Plan

Best Answer

Can it be done? Sure. Is it practical? - you'll need to discuss with the engineer and consider the impact on your budget.

Basically you will need to increase the strength (and usually the size, to get that strength) of the beam that crosses the space so that it can support the beam going down the middle of the extension. Likewise, it will require a sufficiently strong connection to support that load, which may be more complex/expensive than simply supporting it on a post.

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