Temperature stabilizer problem


In my 1 room + bathroom apartment in Germany, these mechanisms (searching Google by them didn't name them) exist:

enter image description here

in bathroom, and in the room, there is this:

enter image description here

When I am taking a (long?) shower, these mechanisms seem to communicate and exchange air, in order to balance the temperature between the room and the WC, I guess.

The problem is that the mechanism in the room is above the desk with my laptop, and outputs cold air, making it dangerous to sit in the desk just after the shower, since I might get cold. I have to wait ~10mins, and the mechanism stops.

Can I minimize the time the mechanism emits air in this specific scenario?

If yes, how? The key parameter in this, seems to be the door of the bathroom. Leave it open after exiting the bathroom, or close it?

My few experiments show that closing the door makes the mechanism stop earlier, I think… However, this contradicts my assumption that the mechanism exchange air (since leaving the door open should help in balancing the temperature)..

Hello to the community! I read the Help Center, and it seems that my question is OK for here-if not, please let me know!

Best Answer

My guess is that it is an Air Conditioner being used as a dehumidifier to prevent the buildup of moisture in your WC. That is why you are feeling a cold air stream on the other side. Modifying it would likely be cause for eviction as it could allow mold growth in the wet areas. I would look into fabricating some sort of deflector to keep the air stream from coming right down onto your desk. Cardboard and duct tape would suffice, just don't actually block the air flow, all you need do is direct it elsewhere.