Temporarily filling a hole with a shim


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I have two 3" x 3" square holes on a sports court. They are around 2' deep. They take two long poles that support a net.

When the poles are not in the holes they fill with water when it rains (mosquito breeding area) and are a trip hazard.

Question: How can I cover these holes where the cover will be flush with the surface of the court?

What I'm currently thinking of doing, not sure if it's the right approach: Buy a 3×3 piece of lumber (surprisingly hard to find) and cut 2' lengths from it and stick those in the holes.

Problems I see with that:

  • Home Depot and Lowes don't have 3×3 wood listed on their sites.
  • When it gets wet I am guessing that it would swell and be difficult or impossible to remove. (I'm also guessing that there's something I could treat it with to make it water proof.)
  • It would be difficult to get out even when dry. (Thinking that a small hole in the middle of the end with a sunken eye screwed into it would allow me to lift it.)

If you think that my current approach of putting a block of wood in there is the right approach then I'd love to hear suggestions about how to do it to solve the problems that I forsee. Otherwise if you have a better idea to solve this…

Best Answer

My first thought is square flush tubing plugs. they come in all sizes, for tubing up to like 6".

Check out this web site: Mocap square tubing plugs

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Should be pretty easy to pry out with a small tool when you need to. They are not advertised as perfect seals to keep out water, but unless an area depression causes standing water right by the hole, I bet they would do a pretty good job.