The best order for interior painting (walls, trim, windows, etc.)


I'm repainting a room. I'm removing wallpaper from the walls, and stripping paint from trim around doors, windows and baseboards. There's no crown moulding. I might repaint the ceiling, not sure yet.

What is a good order for stripping and repainting the parts? For example, should I do ceiling, walls, then trim? Or should I do trim first? Should I strip the trim, then repaint everything? Or should I wait until after painting the walls before I try stripping the trim (will likely use chemical stripper– I guess a risk is accidentally getting some stripper on the newly painted walls.)

I've read conflicting advice.

I'm not in a big hurry so can, for example, paint the trim and let it dry for a few days, then come back to do the walls.

Best Answer

  1. Ceiling first, if you're going to do it.
  2. Strip the trim: it's a messy job and you will get stripper in places you don't want it. Actually, if you could remove the trim without damaging it, I would do that.
  3. Paint the walls.
  4. Paint the trim: you'll likely be using a small paintbrush on the trim, so it'll be easier to get sharp lines where it meets the walls.