The best order of operations for painting a newly renovated space


I'm just about ready to paint my basement project and wanted to get the opinion of the community on what would be the best method of approach for my situation. I'll be using a HVLP spray system and my original thought was to prime everything first (ceilings, walls, trim, casings, doors), then do the ceiling, followed by the trim (in place) and doors, ending with rolling my walls so that touchups are easier down the road.

Any painters out there have some insight? Picture of an example wall below. Unfinished wall

Best Answer

I feel that you have the right idea here, but I would save the trim for last; why, you ask? Assuming you will use paint with a gloss on the trim (you should), it is not a problem to use gloss paint over flat paint overspray, but the converse of that is not the case.


  • plaster and your unprimed MDF should have different types of primer (PVA or other water-base primer for plaster/gypsum board vs. solvent-base primer for MDF, water-based primer on raw MDF can cause swelling)
  • prime and paint trim and doors with professional-grade brushes rather than spraying