The best tool/method for vine removal


i recently bought a 108 year old house with an ancient garage that has vines growing up the back of the entire structure. the vines have started getting into the gutters and even inside the garage. i want to rip them all down but i'm not sure of the best tools to make the job easier and what steps i can take to slow/stop their regrowth.

Best Answer

In addition to the normal tools like pruners, hedge shears, etc., my tools for controlling unruly vegetation include:

  • pruning saw (look for one that cuts on both push and pull strokes):

Fiskars pruning saw

  • bypass lopper (much more leverage than a regular pruner):

Fiskars bypass lopper

  • tree pruner (no more climbing on a ladder to get at high branches!):

Fiskars tree pruner

In your situation, I would start by using these tools to cut back all the vines close to the ground. Dig as much of the roots out as possible, then keep an eye on the area for new shoots and dig them out (or spray them with weedkiller) as they pop up. Eventually you'll get rid of them, though it may take persistence on your part.