The best way to prepare walls, windows and baseboard for re-painting


I would like to repaint our appartment that haven't been paintined for over 7 years. I have a question on how to prepare for the new paint.
The walls have chipped paint a little should i use spackle to even it out?

The biggest thing is the window. The paint is really coming off there. I scrapped the paint where i could. I don't really want to scrape everything off. What should i do next? Do I need use spackle to fill the parts where i took of the paint? Can i use DAP fast 'n final light weight spackle?
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Also i have the same problem with the baseboard. The paint is chipping and it is not even. Should i also chip off the paint and use spackle before priming?
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Thank you!

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Here are more pictures of the wall and windows where i took off some paint. Also the paint on the radiator is pilling off.

Best Answer

Painting is easy - preparing for a new coat of paint so it will last is the hard work.

You should scrape off all loose or peeling paint - otherwise the new paint will simply peel right off there. Only after that should you move to spackle and sanding to prepare the base for new paint. On wood items "putty" is preferred over "spackle" which is more of a drywall/plaster repair item, though it's somewhat irrelevant when it's being painted over.

The window looks like you should investigate for and fix a leak. If it gets that wet, new paint won't stick either.

The dark spot in the second picture is in the same place on all the pictures so it's a camera defect, I guess - at first it looked like mold.

The blisters in the third - more leakage? Or pitch bubbling out of the wood?