The best way to remove dried egg from a house


Some troglodytes egg my house anywhere from every 1-6 months, and have been doing so for the last four years. They just did it again tonight, so I have a fresh supply of drying egg to now remove.

My question is:

What is the best way to remove dried egg from a house?

My house is a bungalow with vinyl siding and a lot of glass windows (now all covered in layers of egg in varying states of dryness from previous attacks — it's so frequent I can't keep up with cleaning it…).

EDIT: While I'm grateful for all the advice, I think this question would ultimately be more useful to everyone if future answers could deal with specific ways to remove egg — not whether I should clean up the egg or not, or how to catch the miscreants, etc.

Best Answer

Step 1: A pressure washer, done as quickly as possible. They are not expensive, going for about $100 for a basic one that will probably be adequate.

Step 2: A camera system, motion activated, to catch the miscreants when they return. Take them to court.

Step 3: Relax.