The metal I have in the wall


I've been trying to mount a TV on my wall, and have encoutnered a problem locating and drilling into studs.

I used a stud detector to look for studs in my wall, and proceeded to drill.

Instead, I have just hit a metal plate. I did some searching and reading, and it does not appear that the metal is a metal stud. I say this, because I can drill above or below where I hit the metal, and hit nothing. If I drill to the side I also hit nothing. The metal objects seem to be 16" apart.

Whatever the material is, is very tough. I was reasonably certain it was not a protective plate, so so applied some pressure to drill through, but was unable to even get close. I can see where I drilled on to the metal, and it barely left a scratch.

I don't have the experience to cut open and replace a section of my drywall, and so would prefer to avoid that if possible.

I've attached a photo of my wall. I tried to get FiOS installed which was a problem because of the metal I have in my walls, although the technician was not more specific.

What would this metal be that I can drill above, below and to either side of it?

edit: not sure if relevant, but the entire door frame and door are metal also.

enter image description here

edit2: the metal does not go in a straight line from top to bottom, but is rather on a diagonal slant. There is no wood to be found anywhere surrounding the metal.

edit3: I managed to take a picture inside the wall, by putting a phone through the hole to feed speakerwire. It looks like something is bolted in..not sure if this helps to identify what is there though.

enter image description here

Best Answer

What makes you reasonably certain it's not a protective plate? I ask because this is almost by definition what a protective plate does.

This is likely protecting an electrical cable. When you run wires to outlets or switches, it's good practice (and required by code in many places) that you place protective plates on the wooden studs where electrical cable has been ran through it. This is an important safety measure, to keep you from drilling or nailing into a live electrical cable.

for example:

Safety Plate