The minimum distance from property line water can be drained


My city (Redmond, WA) enforces the 2015 International Residential Code, but I could not find any requirements around distances of downspout and/or sump pump drainage from property lines. Perhaps I'm not searching on the right nomenclature.

What is the minimum distance from property line water can be drained? Does it differ for downspouts and sump pumps?

Please refrain from sharing recommended distances. I'm looking for the code.

Best Answer

None that I know of in 'The Code', your Zoning is what determines specific buffers. However, the Rule Of Thumb around me says you can't discharge any water in the direction of your neighbor that would readily flow over the property downspout extension legs directed at your neighbor.

In the few States I've worked it's all the same and I wouldn't doubt you're in the same boat. This includes no flow allowed over pavements and sidewalks and no curb nor sewer outlets. All water must be given the chance to absorb into your property.

Check with your Codes, Zoning, Buildings, Permits or Inspection Department (whatever yours is called).