The proper and accurate way to measure space for window screens


One of our metal windows is missing a screen and I'd like to replace it. I don't have other windows of the same size so I can't easily copy the screen dimensions. How should I measure the window opening so that the new screen will install properly? The instructions that were included with my screen framing kit are insufficient and literally say "measure the opening".

Mr. Google suggested measuring the full length of the screen opening and subtracting 1/16". If I do that though, I would think that the screen would be too big to fit. Can I get some advise on where exactly I should measure?

Best Answer

Don't get to hung up on the exact size the piece of screen needs to be. simply measure the width and height of the frame and buy a piece of screen large enough. Normally it comes in standard widths and cut to length. Once you lay and stretch the screen over your frame, install the spline on one end, stretch, install sides and opposite end. An inexpensive spline roller comes in handy here. Use some sharp scissors, utility knife or shears and trim off the excess close to the spline. Done!