The right way to mount a support column to a deck and to a header


Situation: I have an existing deck with a roof overhang. I'm in the process of planning a rebuild and need to detail how the columns will A: attach to the existing roof and B: to the deck. I can find a ton of information about how to build a deck, but very little about columns.

Details: The columns that are/were (one just fell off) currently in place do not appear to be structural. Referring to the diagram I included, an example column can be seen on the right hand side. The narrower top portion is partially solid, and the bottom part is completely hollow. The existing columns are toenailed into the header, and the bottom parts are nailed into the deck frame. Presently the deck has no footers to speak of, but I plan to add some, and place the columns on the deck above the corner posts.

Column Diagram

Best Answer

Use a 8" x 4" x 1/2" Steel Angled Deck Bracket: (the same thing that should be supporting 'B')

enter image description here

Menards deck code, page listed as 25:

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