There is mold in the bucket of paint. Can I still use the paint


This is a very expensive acrylic paint, the bucket was not properly closed, and left 1 year in the basement.

Zolpan acrylic paint with mold inside

Now there is mold inside the bucket ; The strong smell of acrylic has also disappeared.

It doesn't need to be perfect quality, since I just wanted to finish the painting of the technical room of my house. But well.. brown color spots would certainly look awful on the white walls. (On top of that I could bring mold inside the house..)

Maybe I could filter the paint into another clean bucket, and and try to stir it anyway ? Or this is too dangerous, there was a chemical reaction and my paint is dead ?

Best Answer

Try using a spatula and clean off the moldy area, it might just be some rust, without disturbing the rest of the paint so you don't mix the mold/rust in. Once it's cleaned up, stir the paint and determine if the texture seems right and then paint a scrap piece of wood and see what it looks like. The fact that you don't have the acrylic smell means the chemicals that keep the paint liquid and spreadable have weakened and that's not a good sign. You've waited a year, try a test spot and see what it looks like...