Thermopile reading very low in the gas fireplace


My gas fireplace failed to light this year, although the pilot was fine. I put my multimeter on the terminals and got about 150 mV. This was obviously too low, so I cleaned it and got maybe 160.

So I bought a new one and installed it. It give me 180 mV.

The pilot flame is right on the thermo, and by wiggling it and poking a bit I got a clearer flame and it went up to 200.

To make sure the thermo worked I put my BBQ lighter on it and it shot right up to 380. But it goes back down again as soon as I take it off.

Can anyone offer a suggestion on what I might do to get the values up?

Best Answer

So the problem was actually the gas pipe, not the thermo. I guess it was corroded inside or had some dirt, but basically it was nothing more than not enough gas coming out. I put in a new line and presto, everything's perfect.