This architectural shingle condition called? Is it reparable


I have architectural shingles. I noticed on a few of them that the some of the lower portions of the top layer of the shingle are loose, as shown.

Lifting up a top-layer flap on an architectural shingle

What is this condition called? If I search for delamination, I get results about the seal between two different shingles failing.

Should I just re-adhere with roofing tar/adhesive? You can see where the original adhesive was at the bottom and mid-points of the shingle. Any other thoughts?

Best Answer

Its delaminating like you said! The shingle is made of two mats that are adhered together giving the shingle its dimension! This is a manufacturer defect and more commonly happens on steep or mansord roofs! You can try and make a claim with the manufacturer if you know what kind of shingles you have! Best thing is get a couple tubes of roof cement and put a dab under any loose spots so they don't end up sliding on you!