This pipe coming up out of our driveway


Bought a house last week, which — Canadian winter — had been mightily surrounded by snow, including in the driveway. Today, with the snow melting, I saw this in front of the garage door. It extends about 2" up past the driveway surface.

Cap relative to garage door

The cap on the pipe is black and has some sort of little handle on it.

Pipe cap

It comes off very easily, and underneath there's about 8' to 10' of pipe (I think? I'm lousy at eyeballing things), rimed with frost, leading to what looks like standing water.

Frosty Pipe

The fact that there's a big ol' PVC (or something) pipe jutting several inches out of the driveway in front of the garage is kind of annoying, but not having any idea what's going on here (sewer vent? In my driveway?) is more annoying. What's this pipe doing here? What's it for? Can I chop it down, fill it in, seal it shut?

Best Answer

It's a cleanout for the sewer line. You can shorten it to grade level, but you cannot remove or pave over it.

You'll probably never need it, but if you do, you'll want quick access to it.