This stake in the yard and can I remove it


My child has been swinging in our front yard (NC, US) and worn away the grass, revealing this metallic stake (* See photo, note the acorn top for scale*):

I gently tried to pull it up, but it is lodged in pretty well, and I don't want to damage city property it could indicate a gas line or something important. I don't think it is a ground rod (it seems to be stainless steel).

As it is right under her swing I'd like to remove it as it is a safety hazard, but I think I probably shouldn't.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Looks like a run-of-the-mill landscape stake to me. They're used for securing plastic edging, fabric, etc. Could also be a tent peg. It's a horse apiece.

enter image description here

I'd give it a few taps with a hammer to loosen it, then try prying it out with a spade or the hammer with a block under it.