Tile – Carpeting over a ceramic tile patio- backerboard


We have a 20ft x 10' second floor patio outside the master bedroom. Structurally, it is sound. The tile matches bedroom and rest of house- looks very nice.

However, we want to put a good outdoor carpet on the patio. While yes, the tile is same as in the house, based on past experience, a carpet traps that chalky dust that collects on a tile patio so you don't track it into the house.

Plus the carpet deadens sounds, etc. We don't want to destroy the tile for resale and I know that glue/nailers will destroy the tile.

So…. would placing exterior grade plywood subfloor and/or backboard over the tile and screwing that into just a few spots around the perimeter work to minimize tile damage?

The patio gets lots of sun and we get very, very little rain on it due to a significant roof overhang all the way around.

Or, perhaps put a plastic barrier between tile and backerboard would work as well. Then, glue down the carpet as normal?

Best Answer

Most good outdoor grade carpets have a rubber mesh bottom. Just hit lay down 8-10 double sided tape pieces. The adhesive will come right off tiles with hot water. If you want to allow for the carpet to be washed you can use Velcro strips.