Tile – How to remove baseboard that has been tiled over


The previous owner installed tile without re-installing the original baseboard. We are trying to remove the baseboard in preparation for installing laminate flooring. Afterwards our plan is to install new baseboard above the laminate flooring.

We started in a closet but we are finding it hard to remove the baseboard since some of the nails holding the baseboard are right at the level of the tile. So far I have a chisel to break the grout right by the baseboard, a utility knife to cut the paint at top of the baseboard and a small pry bar to pull at the baseboard.

Ripping up the tile is of course one way to make the baseboard removal easier; we're just nervous about getting in over our heads.

What method, technique, and/or tools should we be putting to use here?

Best Answer

The easiest way to remove things is usually in the inverse order they were put in.

If you intend to put down new flooring, you must remove the tile anyway, so remove the tile first. I'll admit that the scariest thing to do might be the tear out. It forces you to accept that you are doing this thing, especially if you have never done something of this magnitude. It will make a mess of things for a wee bit.

I would suggest removing tile with a hammer and wide cold chisel. Break up at least a few tiles by hand. If you have a compressor available, a great tool here would be a flat air powered chisel. This tool would rapidly allow you to peel up the old tile. A bit noisy, but fast. If not, then the hammer and hand held chisel (don't use a wood chisel unless you have borrowed the wood chisel from someone you don't like) will do. Once a few tiles are up, you may find that a large ice scraper, used for breaking the ice from your sidewalk, will be useful to peel up the rest of the tile.

Once the tile has been removed, then remove the baseboard for later replacement.

Demolition can be the most fun part of a project. Try to keep the dust out of the remainder of the house, and use a dust mask.