Tile – Need to fix tile that has fallen off


I have some tile in my kitchen that has fallen off (unglued I suppose). See pictures below. How do I fix this? Recommendations for a novice DIYer?

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Best Answer

I would recommend heavy duty constructive adhesive followed by grout colored caulk that best matche the grout around the tiles https://www.google.com/search?q=grout+colored+caulk

to minimize cost and work I would risk using the caulk as glue

  1. try to remove the old adhesive
  2. clean back of tile and wall well
  3. put a lot of construction adhesive on the back of the tile (risky optional: replace construction adhesive with caulk)
  4. put tile back on the wall and hold in place with masking/painter tape
  5. 1 hour later remove tape
  6. caulk around the tile and clean any thing that doesn't look neat with your fingers