Tile – Placing stone over metal fireplace face. Is this possible


let me start by saying I have seen mixed answers all over the web (and from professionals whom I have spoke to). At this point I wanted to hear thoughts from folks online.

As seen in my picture I am looking to tile the remaining black metal fireplace face with the same stone seen surrounding it. I have checked the installation instructions and the metal can be covered with a non combustible material. It is also worth noting the fireplace is gas, the metal is pretty solid (doesn’t expand when I push it) and even after running the fireplace for 2-3 hours it doesn’t get to hot to the touch. (But definitely heats up)

My question is: Is it possible to apply a tile or stone to this black metal fireplace using modern technology? If so how? I have been told the following solutions “could” work:

1.) use latapoxy 310 to set the stone directly on the metal face

2.) use latapoxy or a high tempature adhesive to glue concrete board to the metal face and tile as needed.

3.) screw the cement board directly to the metal box and tile as needed (could also glue and screw using high tempature adhesive)

4.) use some special mortar which handles high temps tires

5.) there were other options using lathes and what not but outside my realm of understanding 🙂

I would love to hear opinions on this, if anyone has done this? If it’s possible?

Thanks so much guys!

Best Answer

The manufacturer of the fireplace is okay with it, so you definitely can. I have done it many times and I found it the best option is to use cement board and then the appropriate application method for the finishing material. I've always used high temperature morter of various kinds and never had an issue. The key to remember is, accessibility to service the fireplace. Any openable panels must remain that way. Avoid man made stone that has epoxy in it as it tends to discolour. Many fireplaces I have installed are actually unfinished everywhere except the glass and require a stone finishing right up to it.

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