Tile – removing grout from very narrow gaps between tiles


Wanting to re-grout wall tiles in the bathroom, I realize that the gaps between tiles are very uneven from area to area, and are sometimes too narrow for either the oscillating tool's 1/8 inch blade or manual grout blade which has approximately the same thickness. Even the 1/16 blade would not cut it in all places. Trying a thin screwdriver or another pointy metal tool immediately made a chip on the tile edge.

What would be the recommended way to proceed here?

Best Answer

One way to proceed is to remove all the tiles and then install new ones using a better quality installation technique to get uniform gaps between the tiles.

This approach also allows for:

  1. The possibility to update the tile backer to the most modern methods to ensure no leaks and inspect for old mold in the walls.
  2. Selecting tile that may be more pleasing or modern.
  3. With the walls open you have the option to replace any plumbing fixtures that protrude through the tile.