Tile – way to remove the mildew smell from under tile without damaging the tile


We live in a rental. The toilet was leaking when we arrived. Landlord paid for a plumber to do a simple repair, but before that, there was definitely water pooling underneath the tile (and seeping through the grout in some areas when you stepped on the tile. The correct thing to do, I suspect, is to re-do the tile and clean up the mess. However, our landlord will not agree to this and I don't have the time / funds to do the project right now. I'm wondering if there is a temporary way to get rid of the mold / mildew under the tiles. You can guess what I'm thinking: pour disinfectant all over the grout and tile and hope it seeps backwards and kills all the mold. I have enough sense, at least, to ask if there's a chance this may work (with the right product) and also whether there's a better temporary fix. Thank you!

2013-12-10 Edit: Thank you to those who provided advice. I thought I would update: I took no action and slowly (maybe a month or two), the smell went away.

Best Answer

If your renting, your only concern, I would think, is the smell. If there is a smell it will disappear as soon as the water dries up. When I fixed my mothers house the smell was supposedly there for years. It was caused by a slowly leaking toilet. When it was fixed, it took some weeks for the floor to completely dry, and the smell went away. You may have other problems later like dry rot, and mold dust if you ever remove the tile. SO don't. If the smell continues then there is still a leak somewhere. Tell the landlord to repair it again.