Tile – Why is the bathroom floor raised up very high


I know that it needs to be raised a little bit so that the floor can slope towards the drain. But on my floor the slant towards the drain is shallow, but the floor of the bathroom is much higher (3cm/1.2in above tiles) than compared to the hallway adjoining it. It is a concrete subfloor.

I would like to re-tile the bathroom, and I would like to lower the floor… but is there a special reason why it is how it is? Am I making a mistake changing it?

It's in an apartment – all the walls and floors are concrete. There is no wood at all anywhere.

Best Answer

In some older homes built between 1900-1930's it was common to set the ceramic tile in a bed of cement. The cement was poured over the subfloor. While this was a great stable base for the tile it did raise the floor. You may also have a case where the floor was damaged and during the repair or remodel they added additional layers of plywood or tilebacker to form a base for the new tile.