Tire Swing Frame


I want to build a multi-use frame. Our plan is to take two 6x6x12 posts, sink them vertically 4 feet down with concrete and put a horizontal 6×6 post on top of the two. Question is, would that hold a tire swing? The plan with the frame is to use it both as a hammock frame and when the hammock is not in use, a tire swing.

The kids planning on using the frame are all under ten and under 100 pounds. Maybe two kids on it at a time, so max 200 pounds.

Think this can be done? Or do I need to use an A frame?

Best Answer

Personally I would feel a lot safer using an A-frame. If your kids are anything like I was at their age, they're going to be swinging with all they've got. Plus, consider the weight of the tire (it's not nothing).

Add all that force together and you would be putting a not inconsiderable amount of force on the posts. Plus, if they swing at an angle, they could skew the structure, putting stress on the joint between the vertical and horizontal.

An A-frame would bear the stresses in the direction of the force better.