Toilet Plumbing


During toilet re-fill, my bowl fills faster than the tank and sometimes the bowl overflows because I have a slow-draining sewer (partially clogged septic field lines). The toilet keeps running and the float valve doesn't reach shut-off level. The re-fill line is plumbed 100% into the overfill tube. Should I divert some of the re-fill flow directly into the tank? Septic field lines are pricey and I'm trying to limp along. Thanks!!!

Best Answer

  1. Are you sure that 100% of the fill water goes to the overfill tube? Look closely, most fill valves fill the tank through ports at the base of the fill valve which are not readily apparent to casual observation.

  2. If your toilet keeps running and the "float valve doesn't reach shut-off level" don't blame the float valve (aka ballcock valve), it's doing what it is supposed to do. You should be looking at the flush valve.

  3. Anyhoo, you need to find and fix the root cause and I suspect something other than your septic lines. A properly functioning toilet cannot overflow because the fill valve directs too much water into the bowl, it is simple physics. I suspect something else, such as a partially plugged toilet trap. It could be the septic lines, but the whole house would be backed up and you did not say that was the case.