Toilet Refuses to Flush


Earlier this month, we starting having problems with our sewer line; it began with the downstairs toilet flushing very slowly, then not flushing at all, then backing up when the upstairs was flushed. After consulting with the previous homeowner (a contractor), he advised that the sewer line was probably frozen (we live in Fairbanks, AK). We called a thawing company, they can and steamed the line, and everything was copacetic.

Fast forward to two days ago. Same symptoms started appearing; very slow flushing downstairs toilet, but the shower and sink drains run fine. So, we called the thawing company back after plunging, running a closet auger down, etc.

They came out and found that the line was not frozen, and checked the vent stacks… One of which was frosted shut. They steamed both vent stacks, and called it a day.

Now, the toilet is still flushing very slowly. I'm not sure what else to troubleshoot; I'm now out almost $500 in steaming service, and I can't find a plumber that can come out until next week. Suggestions?

Best Answer

The lack of venting does cause the drains to flow slowly. In your case, mostlikely caused by the stack freezing again.

I would suggest you do one or a combination of the following:

1) Insulate the exterior portion of the vent stack. That way it is less likely to freeze during the coldest time of the year (one time fix)

2) Add a heating element around the top of the vent stack. I did a quick search and found a product called ArcticVent. This keeps the exterior and upper portion of the stack warm so that it does not freeze. (one time fix)

3) Pour deicer down the vent stack when it does freeze. Deicer would melt the ice. Obviously this would be a quick fix and you wouldn't want to have to do this often, especially if there is snow on the roof. (repeated and temporary fix)