Toliet won’t stop making a noise from the tank


For the past two days, the toliet has been making a noise. I thought it was a leak, but the water isn't moving. Once toliet is flushed, the water in the tank rises all the way to the top of the overfill tube, and nearly over floater. I have watched a couple videos on youTube, but nothing they have suggested is the cause of the noise. The flapper is fairly new, and sealed. I have slide floater down to lower water line, and it doesn't work. The noise is almost like a suction sound, or water draining into a hollow spot?

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

Your tank water level is too high, you need to adjust it to be lower than the level of your overflow tube (the white tube in the middle of your pic.

You appear to have a fluidmaster toilet valve (the black thing on the left) there should be an adjustment knob sticking out on an arm that can be turned by hand or screwdriver. You need to turn it counter-clockwise a few turns. After turning, test by flushing. Adjust till the water stops at least a half inch below the top of the overflow tube.

Fluidmaster water level adjustment

Picture pointing out the adjustment screw.