Tool identification – possibly antique


While cleaning out the basement, I found a toolbox that I haven't opened in probably 30 years, and it contained some items that I know were originally my father's, so these things could be 75-100 years old.

Tool #1

This guy is about 2.5" long, we wondered if it was like a nail set but the head shows no hammer marks:

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Tool #2

This one is about 4" long, the best part is how the crossbar is held on with what I suspect is a decades-old band-aid:

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Tool #3

But then this is our favorite, it's also about 4" long. The "top" bit looks like it would be a lid, but the inside isn't threaded at all:

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Any ideas what these items are?

Best Answer

The second two are to reach down into a valve/faucet and refinish or smooth a bronze seat. A hard rubber washer will seal against the bronze seat. If the seat becomes corroded or worn the rubber can not seal. They are turned by hand to clean the bronze seat. Often a new washer by itself can repair a valve . But sometimes the bronze seat needs to be smoothed. Newer faucet designs use a cartridge instead of the rubber washer / bronze seat design.