Toxic fumes from spray paint


I had a painter round my one bedroom flat where I live with my cat, he say's he will use paint spray as it is quicker, is it safe, the fumes? on google it says not safe to breathe in, but others say its okay? now I am needing some advice as I know nothing about painting, he will be using dulux magnolia on all rooms, any advice would be appreciated thanks.

Best Answer

Spraying paint is a common technique and can be safe if done properly.

You should not be present while the spraying is going on.

The paint fumes may or may not be a problem depending on the type of paint. Low VOC (volatile organic compounds) give off very little fumes, are now generally preferred, and are mandated in some locales. They have less solvents and are much less toxic. Note that some painters still prefer older style paints with higher VOCs, claiming better application and durability.

Once modern paint designed for residential use dries, it gives off little in the way of fumes, although some odors may linger for a few days (or even weeks). Some people are more sensitive than others. But aside from the day of application, the level of fumes from paint is fairly similar regardless of whether it was sprayed or applied by brush and roller.