Two HVAC units on one condensate drain line


I am renting a house with two HVAC units – one upstairs and one downstairs. There were two condensate drain lines (one per unit). The units were older so when they quit working efficiently the landlord replaced the units.

Shortly after the new units were installed we started having problems with the condensate line for the downstairs unit. The technician's solution was to divert the downstairs condensate line into the upstairs condensate line. So now we have two HVAC units draining into one line. We are still having problems with the downstairs unit tripping the safe-t-switch valve because the condensate line backups.

The HVAC company came back out and is blaming us for not keeping the line clean with vinegar every month (which we do).

  1. Does it make sense to drain two units into one condensate drain line? We live in Florida where we produce a TON of condensation and
  2. Shouldn't there be a back-up drain line since the units are inside the house and the leaking could cause structural damage? Just doesn't seem logical to have two units on one drain line especially since we are having a back-up issue.

Best Answer

I would never use the same line for units on separate levels for this very reason, it sounds like the line is undersized since it was having trouble and now the load is doubled. What brand are the units? I believe it would violate the install instructions to T 2 lines with standard size drain lines and may even void the warranty, this should be mentioned to the land lord.