Use a different type of bolt for awning


I got a light plastic awning from amazon. It only has 3.4 pounds. The size are 30"x40". Now I want to install it over the front door.


The package comes out a set of bolts(The size is marked as M10).


However I heard that this kind of bolt is permanently positioned. In other word, it can't easily removed.
If the awning is damaged or I want to sell the property in the future, I have to uninstall the awning, then it becomes a problem.

So I am wondering is that possible to replace the bolts with other types which can be easily removed?

Best Answer

That type of bolt is made for use in brick or concrete. You would drill a hole just large enough for the sleeve to slide into. When tightening the bolt in place the sleeve crinkles at the end this tightly jamming the sleeve against the edges of the hole.

You can still remove the bolt leaving the sleeve in the hole. Even if you were able to remove the sleeve you would still have the hole left so it should be of little consequence if the sleeve is left behind.