Use a jigsaw to cut fence rails


I'm looking for a saw to complete my fencing project. I was using a circular saw to cut the fence rails but it went for a walk, if you know what I mean.

I'm now wondering if a jigsaw would be a worth getting instead of another circular saw because I have more uses around the house for a jigsaw than a circular saw. However right now I need the saw to cut fence rails in half so I can finish my fence. These are 50x100mm SG8 KD treated pine and possibly laminated fence posts (112x112mm), although its fine if it can't do the posts.

I have found a number of jigsaws that claim to cut up to 80mm and one, a bosch, even up to 140mm. I need the cuts to be flush and straight so my primary concern at is that the jigsaw blade will flex giving an uneven cut across my wood.

In saying that I have read the jigsaws can give really straight accurate cuts even in this wood or I'm a little confused.

Buy choosing a good quality saw and the right blade can I use a jigsaw for this purpose with results similar to that of a circular saw or even a mitre saw?

What should I be looking for in a jigsaw to meet my needs? or can I simply not use a jigsaw for this purpose?

Best Answer

I own a Bosch JS470E and love it. I've owned many over my 20+ years in construction. It has a setting that will direct air from the motor to the area you're cutting and keeps saw dust clear from the line you're following.

"Will the jigsaw do the job"? Yes, with a good blade and little force but the job will go slow and the cut won't be as clean as a circular saw would do. If you won't use a circular saw that often I would suggest getting an inexpensive one. Maybe even go Harbor Freight. Then you can put some money into a good jigsaw for other uses.