Use corrugated metal roofing panels as soffits and paint them


I have several sheets of Corrugated Steel Roofing (see picture) from a replaced roof, and I would like to re-use them as a soffit under a porch, and paint them white or black.

How should I prep the sheets, and what type of paint should I use?

The soffits are obviously outside but not directly exposed to rain/snow or sun/UV: they are mounted with the "exterior" side down, not up as would be the case with a roof.

The panels/sheets are from a used roof and after some scrubbing/power washing they seem to be in good condition.

My thoughts were:

  • power wash & scrub moss etc…
  • light sanding to scruff the surface
  • maybe muratic acid, maybe primer?
  • paint with exterior acrylic, but maybe interior latex would work too?
  • to apply paint, use a roller? or brush?

No rain/snow, no sun/UV, but wet climate.

enter image description here

Best Answer

How should I prep the sheets, and what type of paint should I use?

  • power wash & scrub moss etc. YES
  • light sanding to scruff the surface YES
  • maybe muratic acid, maybe primer? NO to both. Neither is necessary assuming those panels already have paint on them, which looks to be true. If your "light" sanding creates any bare metal areas, spot prime those.
  • paint with exterior acrylic YES
  • ...maybe interior latex would work too? NO why would you use interior paint for an exterior application?
  • use a roller? or brush? YES either/both, or spray