Use steel framing in a shower enclosure


Turned onto steel framing by a coworker. Part of a wall will extend into a shower enclosure. I will be putting green board over it and then tiling. The coworker seemed to recall using steel in a shower enclosure was problematic due to temperature changes. Anyone have any experience using this and comment further one way or another in regards to using steel framing for a shower? In addition, does anybody see a problem with sheetrocking a ceiling over existing sheetrock? If I pull the existing sheetrock down I have this powdery insulation that is about 2 feet deep that will create a massive mess as it comes raining down.

Best Answer

I've used steel studs in bathrooms many times. The temperature never seemed to be a determining factor. I personally would hesitate using green board and would use one of the many cement board, wonder boards, that are out there. Structurally, they are much better than the green board and will last longer. Also think about using a water proof coating like Red Guard in the shower areas. There's no problem with adding sheet rock over sheet rock. Just go wall to wall for appearances. You'll need longer screws and will need junction box extenders for any fixtures.