Use to build a short retaining wall for a patio extension


We want to extend our patio that is currently about 10 x 5 feet to about 10 x 10 feet.

Problem is there is a slope where the current patio ends. The next 5 feet has an approx. 1 foot deep slope.

My worry is that if I build a retaining wall and compact the newly filled slope, the compaction will destroy the retaining wall.

What would be a strong enough material that can withhold the compaction and the 1 foot deep filling?

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Best Answer

Retaining wall block is made to have heavily compacted backfill. Some of it, if not all of it would have to be crushed stone though. After that patio pavers would probably be more forgiving of any future ground movement than poured concrete, but it all depends.

A wooden deck patio extension might be the easiest way to go.