Use to seal section of concrete roof


We have a rough concrete roof, and it's leaking in a particular section. In that particular section, there's very little pooling and there's some leaking. It's very sunny here, so the water ends up evaporating after a few hours.

The section to be painted is about 8x8ft, and the pooling's in the middle. I'm looking for a product that I can use to seal that section of the roof. There will still be some pooling but it won't leak. I'm not going to fix the roof; I will just paint it and hope for the best. Please don't suggest anything beyond that.

I went to the hardware store, and I found all these products. Unfortunately, nobody over there knew which I should use.

What's the difference between an Ultra Siliconizer, a Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Urethane Roof Sealer, traditional or Siliconized Acrylic Elastomeric Coating, regular Elastomeric sealer? There are so many options, and it seems nobody at the store could tell me what I could use.

There's very little traffic in that section of the roof. The only thing it needs to withstand is the little pooling, just until it evaporates when the sun's up.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

I would suggest a two part epoxy similar to this:


This is a two part system and very durable. I have it on my garage floor.

To prep the surface you are going to want to clean the space with muratic acid (it's nasty stuff). The acid cleans out the pores in the concrete and etches the surface to ensure good adhesion of the paint.

Once the acid does its thing (follow the directions on the bottle) rinse the surface with water to remove the acid and any crud it removes.

Ensure you wait until the concrete is fully dry.

Once dry (a full day in the sun is a safe bet unless you live somewhere super humid) apply the epoxy.