Used paint with the wrong base, will painting with the correct base cover it


We did my daughter's room with the color pink carnation semi-gloss. It was a light base. We had to buy a small can of that same color to use around her windows after holes were patched. We got the same color (pink carnations semi gloss) but it was a base 1. Now around the windows is a darker shade of pink carnation. Can I paint over a base 1 with a light base (same color) to fix the problem?

Best Answer

The answer is yes, you can paint over the recently applied paint with a fresh coat of the proper color. Because your paint has a sheen (semi-gloss) you will need to de-gloss the existing finish with fine sandpaper or other abrasive media, clean well to remove dust, than apply proper paint with a high quality brush. Cheap brush = lame finish.