Using an older 200A breaker panel on a 60A feeder circuit from house

circuit breakersubpanel

I'm in the planning stages of a new workshop/shed build. I plan to run a 60A ciruit from the main panel in the house to a subpanel in the shed.

I recently picked up a used Challenger QM322200 200A breaker panel with about a dozen circuit breakers for a song. Can I use this panel as is, with the stock 200A main breaker as a master shut-off? (I'd relabel the panel as 60A).

If no, where can I find a 60A main breaker to swap into the panel?

Thanks for your help.

This is the label on the panel:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use the 200 amp main as a disconnect it is fine since you will be using a 60 amp breaker in the main panel the wire needs to be sized for 60 amps. As long as the panel is as large as the service panel breaker or larger it would be code compliant.