Using Fence as a retaining wall


enter image description hereI have a fence, nearby which around which the ground is not level. the Kick boards (pressure treated) are around 2' high. Can i fill dirt and use fence as retaining wall. there is a post every 4'.

If so what kind of moisture barrier i should use before putting the dirt.

It is a good idea to create some type of drainage system in the area next to fence?

UPDATE: putting the Pictures as per the suggestion.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can hold up 2' of dirt with wood structures. That's essentially what wood planter boxes are. But will it look good? Probably least, not over time. Wood is flexible, gets wet, gets sun damaged, and the posts supporting it will suffer the same fate. If you don't care about looks, then it's probably OK, but if you want it to look OK over time, I'd suggest you consider retaining wall blocks or the like.


Coming back to this as I think I answered before I saw the photo. I think you could probably make this work. However, I don't see a whole lot of space between the fence and the side of the house. Do you have a basement? If so, this slope is probably intentional to provide adequate surface run-off to keep your basement dry. Do you live in an area where you can get heavy rains at time? If so, I'd suggest not leveling this part of the yard.