Very effective sound-proof room

noisenoise reductionsound-proofing

In my new apartment, I plan to very well isolate a room (phonetically).
This is for general purpose ; to play music as well as gaming, watching films, or why not, just shouting out loud. You get the idea: just a room where we can really make noise.

I searched the internet and found some hints but people are often looking for very particular use (usually battery, stuff like that) or are just looking to globally isolate their apartment a bit.
I, however, am looking for a all-purpose, very strong isolation in a limited space (room).

The room is square 3x3m and 2.5m height ( ~10x10ft and 8ft ), all walls made of concrete (vibrated I believe).

There is, I think, 4 possible exit for sound:

  • A window to outdoor (that will be double glazed)
  • A door to indoor (that, also will be fixed)
  • A heater whom pipe is going trough the concrete wall to another room's heater pipe, going up and down to the neighbors
  • And finally, the walls, floor and ceiling themselves.

Question is: How to make a powerful isolation ?

I gathered few tips from internet:

  • a floor installed on silent-blocks or even tennis balls
  • convoluted foam for the walls
  • double BA13 (plasterboard) for the walls
  • Or both ?? (I have no idea if this make sense)
  • ..

But I can't make anything really clear out of my mind.
I am also willing to buy a decibel meter, but I'm not really sure what to measure exactly.

Best Answer

I used sand on my floors. I'm a drummer and this really helps.