Wall sound proofing – hanging rows of sound proof “curtains”


The building's structure is concrete, as is the floor/roof. The wall to my neighbor is brick; so a lot of noise comes through – TVs, crying babies etc.

I've seen a number of options for constructing various wooden frames with layers of sound insulation; but am wondering if just hanging "curtains" of sound isolation foam could work well. The wall in question is pictured below, and the columns on each side are concrete. Discussions of wooden frames have various approaches to decoupling the sound isolation from the wall being soundproofed – and using curtains seems like a good way to tackle this to me.

Of course; if I ever wanted to use the wall as a wall; I would need a final frame + drywall; but there is enough space to put these on the outside of the concrete pillars.

Any thoughts; comments; suggestions welcome

enter image description here


Best Answer

Sound isolation foam doesn't work like that. It's designed to remove reverb, not block sounds. What you want are "soundproof curtains". These are designed to be heavy curtains that can actually block sound. Basically anything else with mass will have similar effects, but these are a good way to block off the entire wall. You mount them the same way you would mount regular curtains, though with more attention paid to weight. If you have a bunch of books, sticking your bookcases against that wall would also help.

Doing this correctly basically involves opening up the wall and decoupling your apartment from your neighbor's. I'll assume that isn't an option.

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