Walls – Best approach for smoothing brick


I am rebuilding the wall at the front of my house, but the previous (now partially taken down) wall was built into the pillar on my neighbours land.

It used to look like this (pillar is 100% on their land, white wall is 100% on mine);

enter image description here

It currently looks like this;

enter image description here

What is the best tools/ technique to "sand" the bricks in the pillar, so it resembles a pillar in it's own right? (I then plan to build my new wall adjacent (but separate) to the neighbours pillar).

Some thoughts;

  1. Use an angle grinder to sand the brick down. Not sure it's the right tool?
  2. Chisel out the "jutting out bricks", and replace them. Not sure how cleanly the bricks will come out?
  3. Knock down the pillar, and rebuild it. Seems like a waste, when it's only a few bricks that are the problem.

Best Answer

It can be done with the right angle grinder with a masonry cutting blade. It will be really dusty, and the texture of the cut made by the grinder will look a bit different from the original texture of the brick. It will be better than what you have now...