Walls – Exterior walls or floors


I am wanting to build my own spacious house. This is on my pretend world where my family members are the first to be on the planet after scientists so there are no building codes just yet. I have looked up "How to build an exterior wall". Some of the pages I looked at say to do the floor first and then attach the wall to the floor. Others say to do the wall and floor at the same time or to build the walls first and then the floor.

So I looked up "How to build a wood floor". The pages I looked at for that say to build the exterior and interior walls first and then attach the floor to the walls.

So which should I do first, the walls or the floors?

Best Answer

Conventional stick framing in North America has you build the floor first, then build a wood wall on that platform. If your pretend world doesn't have lumber mills, then google yurt.