Walls – Hanging a new wall with Genie Clips and need to install a few studs. Will this affect the installation


Here's what the bare frame looks like:
enter image description here

If you don't already know how a wall is hung with Genie Clips, here's the video. Skip to 2:45 to see how they're spacing the clips.


Looking at my pic above, you will see that there are no exposed studs at the opposite ends of the wall, so I am going to have to install them so that I have a place to attach the clips on either side. This is going to create a non-standard distance of 10" between the first set of studs on the left side of the wall and 9 1/2" on the right.

I am guessing that this is not going to present too much of a problem since the video never mentions a minimum distance of 16" between clips, only a maximum distance of 48".

Since this is my biggest DIY project ever, I want your input on whether or not this non-standard stud placement will affect the hanging of my new wall with Genie Clips.


A few years later, I know, but I thought I'd post a pic showing what the channels looked like after mounted onto the Genie clips. You can also see the two new studs I installed if it matters any.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Add the studs at the ends of the wall. It should not affect the installation.

Look at the video. At 3:38 they talk about having clips close together in some places. They say it is normal.