Walls – Hanging Cables Along the Corners of Walls


My girlfriend wants to run ethernet cable along the corners of the walls of her apartment, but is rather particular in that it needs to be discreet. Cable covers are NOT an option here, as the trimmings would only run up one corner of the room, then along one corner of the ceiling until reaching a wall mounted PoE (power over ethernet) camera placed over the front door of her living room. I have suggested command strips numerous times, but she insists that these are unacceptable, as they would not allow the cable to rest flush against the corners of the wall.

I've thought about double-sided tape, but she reasonably suggests that it would last all of 15 minutes before falling off the wall. This is an apartment, so drilling holes or nailing anything down is completely out of the question.

Best Answer

Command strips "cord bundlers" and a nice hunk of decoy fake Ivy or other imitation vining plant (unless there's enough light and willingness to care for to use a real plant - unlikely.)

Alternatively, fairy lights, etc.

Basically, it will be in plain sight any way you slice it, so might as well just make it disappear by having something more noticeable that makes it non-obvious (the decoy need not stop where the ethernet wire does, either, which can help.)